Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mr. Smith Goes To Hollywood,
Top Films Of 2008, so far:

The Dark Knight A 10/10
Best film of 2008 so far and the best superhero film ever. Heath Ledger is certain to be nominated and will probably win for his truly mad performance as the joker. Yet there is Method to his Madness, this crazed character does make sense in his own twisted thinking. The film more than the original poses some extreemly difficult ethical questions concerning right and wrong, hero and villian, questions that are not nescessarily answered. Once again Nolan has redfined the comic book genre and has continued the most original and masterly film series out today. See this film!

WALL-E A 10/10

Iron Man A- 8/10

Tropic Thunder A- 8/10
The funniest film of 2008. The Zoolander of actors. A hillariously sharp satire on the movie business. The opening credits are intensely enjoyable from vapid rap-star promoting "booty sweat" beverage, to the man who gave the world the "faty farts" franchise in return for drugs (aka Eddie Murphy), to an aging formerly highest grossing action star whos once sucess hinged on 6 films involving a man saving the world from its staryed tilt, to my favourite of all a five time Academy Award winning Australian actor who recently stared in "Satan's Alley" a story about a priests love for another priest. In truth Robert Downey Jr. steals the show and is fast becoming one of the best acors working today. Stiller shows he still has the nack to send up another overly self concious industry wether it be models/actors (not the other way round). If you hate the way Hollywood is headed, let it redeem itself by making fun of its many character flaws. See this movie.

Mama Mia A- 8/10
One of my favourite films of 2008. A spectacularly fun movie experience, that will have you dancing in your seats, when I saw it people actually got up to dance at the end of the film. Meryl Streep, the greatest actress alive, owns this movie an just and has a ball with it. In fact although the plot is corny and unbelievable it doesn't matter as the film never takes it self seriously even for a moment, it just fun and the movie as a result is just so much fun. Whether or not your an ABBA fan or even a musical fan this film will put a smile on your face. It easily will be considered this year's Hairspray.

Paranoid Park A- 8/10

The Black Balloon A- 8/10

Burn After Reading B+ 7/10

Mrs. Pettigrew Lives For A Day B+ 7/10

The Duchess B+ 7/10

The Edge Of Heaven B+ 7/10

Body Of Lies B+ 7/10

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom… B+ 7/10

Chronicles Of Narnia, Prince Caspian B+ 7/10

Vantage Point B+ 6/10

The Secret Of The Grain B 5/10

Brideshead Revisited C+ 3/10